Ceremonial Cacao


The Cacao Experience

To read about our Ceremonial Cacao Healing Circle - Broken Open, click here

To read about a private Ask the Goddess private Cacao Ceremony, click here

To read about the Devotional Oracle stones, click here

Intention to open the heart to unconditional Love.

This medicinal plant has been used for a number of spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes throughout history

Cacao actually came from the Maya word Ka’kau, and the Maya word Chokola’j—which means to drink chocolate together.

Cacao has been used in ancient ceremonies by South Americans { the Mayans } for thousands of years. It has many active ingredients,  an important one is called theobromine.

Theobroma Cacao - scientific name of the Cacao tree, derived from Greek, meaning ‘ food of the God ‘

Mayan God Ek Chuah is known to be the God of Cacao and of merchants.

Ek means Star and Chuah meaning Black, the connection lies in the fact that cacao seeds were used as currency throughout Meso-America.

History of the Cacao bean goes back to the Mesoamerican and Southamerican indians.

It is treated as a divine elixir with curative properties.




Blood pressure 

Kuna study*(see ref)  has provided a large body of research including several dozen clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta analyses and a Cochrane review showing that cacao has the following health benefits :  

-Significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure

-Reduces risk of getting a stroke

-Significant decrease of insulin resistance

-Significant improvement in cholesterol and lipid markers

-Significant improvement in cardiovascular function

-Clinical trials have shown that Cacao has no significant side effects.

Purchase your Cacao Spirit Hearts here

Cacao ritual

Cacao comes from the cacao bean—which is also used to make chocolate. This is raw chocolate in its purest form, very different in flavour as we know chocolate in the western world. 

Ritual cacao is made from mostly cacao beans, some water, cacao butter, and then mixed with a little bit of natural sugar to taste.

It is consumed in a warm liquid form out of a cup or mug, and usually has a bitter taste to it.

Different spices and herbs can be added such as rose, blue lotus, chilli, cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla, depending on what you like.

I recommend combining Maca together with Cacao as it enriches the harmonies of the cacao spirit.

Shamanic healing is one of the oldest holistic healing practices, which has been used by ancient cultures worldwide for centuries.

A cacao ceremony is actually a type of shamanic healing, but it doesn’t have hallucinogenic or “out of body” effects, unlike some other shamanic experiences.

Cacao ceremony is rooted in helping to re-balance the energies within us, and restore good health.

There are so many different ceremonies in existence today. Some will lead you a journey of dance, while others will centre on meditation and inner reflection.


Many cacao ceremonies will involve a group of people sitting in a sacred circle, taking prayer, letting go of anything heavy, setting intentions, giving gratitude for all the abundance in their life today.

This often involves opening up to complete strangers in the circle, and creates a safe and intimate space where everyone’s fears, hopes, sufferings, and dreams can be shared.

What we often find is we have similar problems and fears, as well as hopes for our lives. This means that the people in the circle act as mirrors for each other.

A cacao ceremony will often end in dance, which allows the cacao to activate within the heart and body, and create transformation.

Through opening the heart, cacao enables us to hear our true self, work through blockages and past traumas, dissolve stuck negative energy, and help us align with our authentic self.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to give ourselves mental and physical space and peace. You get to connect with the spirit of Cacao, and retreat into presence, helping you to learn more about yourself, and gain clarity on where you are and where you’re being guided.

Cacao is full of vitamins and minerals that are wonderful for cardiovascular health.

Cacao is also renowned for releasing dopamine and endorphins in the body, which soothe symptoms of PMS as well as depression, by boosting our mood.

Cacao contains anandamide, which is known as the bliss molecule. This is the same thing produced in your body when you exercise and you feel a rush of good energy.

Also, it helps to balance blood sugar levels, and create more blood flow to the brain; helping to strengthen awareness and focus.

It contains some caffeine and a lot of theobromine, which acts as a burst of energy without any body jitters also enhancing creativity and encouraging deep meditation

For centuries, cacao has been used to heal the mental, physical, and spiritual body.

The emotional & spiritual benefits of cacao ceremony

Cacao is rich with emotional and spiritual benefits that have not only worked for ancient cultures, but also for us presently who are embracing cacao in the world today, and allowing it to open them for healing.

Heart opening

Known for opening the heart, cacao will allow you to connect with yourself, and others, in a deeper way than before. Any fear that you may be experiencing will be replaced with love and joy.

Connection with your higher self

Your higher self can be whatever resonates with you — source, God/Goddess, light, or soul.

Cacao helps strengthen your connection to your higher self, which helps you connect to your inner power, strength, and truth.

You will find yourself exploring the pain that is plaguing you right now, and feel your way through it; because it’s only when we allow ourselves to truly feel it, that we can let it go.

This will help you to live a happier, lighter life, where you don’t feel weighed down by your past.

Releasing this pain makes space for more love and light to come in.

Enhances and deepens meditation

Cacao ceremony will give you the opportunity to connect to your Light, which will help you to explore meditation on a much deeper and spiritual level.

You will find you are able to focus and be in the present with more ease. This will help you to live more fully in the moment today, bringing peace and stillness to your mind and soul.

A pathway to creativity

Cacao is often used to bring inspiration and creativity together; helping you move past those inner fragmented aspects of the self which keep us disconnected from our creative life force, and sabotaging your magical inner child to dance.

You will find that new inspirations and expressions of yourself flow to you with ease.

Improved yoga practice

Because of the benefit cacao has on every level—physical, mental, spiritual & emotional—it compliments other practices that combine all of these elements, such as yoga and chi kung.

When you step onto the mat, you’ll find your practice easier, you’ll feel it deeper, and it will have a much more profound effect on you.

Mental clarity

During these ceremonies, you will be reminded of everything that you are, your skills, talents, and creative abilities. And you will begin to release all the thoughts of everything you are not.

This will help you find balance in your life, as well as clarity in your mind, which will make your purpose clearer to you.

Re-balance of your inner male & female energies

Male and female energies co-exist within all of us, but often they are unbalanced. Some men have repressed their feminine energies, while some women have trouble connecting to their male energies, and vice versa.

This isn’t helped by the fact that we live in a world of great imbalance when it comes to the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

When you balance these divine energies within, you are able to live a more fulfilling life, filled with complete harmony.

Inner peace

Cacao can help to ease our everyday stresses and worries, as it encourages us to become more engaged with our positive, optimistic energies.

This is so important when we are facing challenges that arise in our lives, which inevitably is part of the duality here on Earth, Love and Fear.

But when we feel at peace within, and understand that we are not our fears roaming in the monkey mind, we are more grounded and not in emotional overload. That we are able to cope from a place of balance.


Are there things in your mind or heart sabotaging you from living the beautiful life you’ve always dreamed of?

Old wounds, or past traumas, that you are not consciously in awareness of and have not fully healed from. 

Cacao will help you get clearer on what these things are; and help you receive the strength to move forward, let them go, and create space for better things to come in.

This will help you live a healthier life in body, as well as spirit.

Career guidance

Perhaps you’re in a job that doesn't resonate with you, or you have no idea what your true purpose is here on earth?

Cacao will help you gain clarity on your creative talents and strengths, and allow you to find your way to what lights up your soul; a job or business that fills you with purpose.

And when you’re in this state, creation and abundance will flow to you with ease. 


Cacao is a feminine power that can help you see that life is meant to be fun; this is what we’re here for.

Allow yourself to fully surrender to the spirit of Cacao. Step into a higher dimension, where you realise that nothing here on earth is permanent.

All of life is simply a game to be enjoyed right here, right now


How to create your own cacao ceremony at home

  • Purchase my beautiful Spirit Hearts as they have gone through a ceremonial process and are made from organic grade cacao that has been ethically grown and harvested.

  • Find (or buy) a heat-resistant mug or cup you love.

  • Place your Spirit Heart into your mug and pour in one cup of boiled filtered water, whisking in all the wonderful ingredients in together.

  • You can also experiment with different blends of nut milk, sugar, and spices-herbs (try and keep everything plant based and organic where possible).

  • Begin with some meditation or prayer

  • Bless/give gratitude to Mama Cacao for the cacao

  • Let go of anything that needs releasing. Be present in her loving embrace.

  • Bring to mind all you have to celebrate (this works well on the full moon

  • Set new healing intentions (this is powerful around the new moon time }

  • Sip your cacao, and enjoy every second of it. Feel your heart start to expand.

  • You might want to journal after, sing, dance or even tap into universal guidance with Oracle divinations. Do what feels right in the moment.

  • Close your ceremony by meditating or giving gratitude once more.

Remember, when creating any kind of solo ceremony or ritual for yourself, trust your intuition and do what feels good for you.

Use the above as a guide, and don’t be afraid to weave in your own practices and spirituality into it.

How can cacao benefit you?

Learning to open our hearts into the experience of unconditional love is the most important thing we can do as human beings. This allows us to open wide to our true potential, be vulnerable, and to embrace our authentic selves.

It is through the process of self discovery and awakening to who we really are, that we can reach our highest potential; and create the most beautiful life for ourselves, and for those we love dearly.

The more we connect to love and awareness in ourselves, the more we can make more loving and conscious choices for the greater good.

With much Love and Light to you

Rosa Ferraro

 Purchase your Cacao Spirit Hearts here


 Reference *

-NIH National Library of Medicine - Kuna study

Flavanols, the Kuna, Cocoa Consumption, and Nitric Oxide



Cacao Ceremony Reading

Ask the Goddess

Open your heart in love as we walk together through the many layers of dreams.

Mother Cacao

During one of my many morning Cacao rituals, I heard the spirit of the mother talk to me.

She said “ Look at your cup, Look deep into the heart of your cup, what do you see? “

 I initially didn't understand what this message was but finally inspiration ignited my brain, that this delicious chocolate elixir had created symbols of impressions inside my cup leaving me with a heart centred energetic imprint, a divination tool.

 I immediately felt the excitement of this form of energy reading and decided to begin this journey of translation on behalf of the spirit of Cacao so as to reach the many souls needing her clarity and love connection.

The Spirit of Caco opens up our hearts reminding us we are one with the Stars, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Air and the Ocean, intertwined as one and sacred. 

As we journey in the human experience here on Earth we are inevitably subjected to the laws of the universe where there is the experience of duality, temporariness, suffering and love.

It is within this dream state of the I AM illusion we are discovering who we truly are and the Cacao ceremonial experience allows us glimpses of our beautiful God innate natures that are here to be actualised in expressions of Love. Sometimes this means we are challenged to courageously face those false identities in darkness that keeps us lost in the illusion of believing we are separate from everything and everyone. This illusion of separateness dims our Light but from the power of Love and with the grace of mother cacao we can be reborn to create magic to let go of our fears.

As we invoke the spirit of Cacao in gratitude through a ritual or ceremony we are tapping into the frequency of life force energy at the heart of our mother and it is from her loving nurturance we wake from our slumber and live in our truth.

 My intimate loving relationship with the spirit of cacao is an extension of Love and faith that she asks me to share with you. 

As she wipes away our tears, cleansing our worries and fears, our power is energised, transformed through the process of opening our hearts.  It is in this embrace of the mothers warmth where we can feel safe to express the creation of beauty, we truly are.

Ask the Goddess, ceremonial readings capture the essence of our beauty in all forms of creation. It is a sacred heart centred space of healing where the spirit of Cacao is honoured and in return gives us the gift to receive our hearts desires.  

In each cup there is a painting of your heart's desire in manifestation. My position is to hold the space for you to experience an offering of Love from the spirit of Cacao and where you can trust in your visions, trust in your love and to transcend your dreams into co-creation.

The ceremony ends with a one hour in depth reading where I connect to impressions received from the cacao residue left in your cup. These beautiful paintings share intentions of the heart which I then translate for you.

 My hope is to offer you an experience which helps awaken the Light within that already knows that it is love in motion.

Madre Cacao te ama 

Mother Cacao Loves you

Book a session here

Devotional Oracles

“He who dwells in the earth and within the earth, whom the earth does not know, whose body the earth is, and who rules the earth within, he is thy Self, the ruler within, the immortal” (Brihad Aranakya Upanisads III, vii, 3–23).

 Source resides in the heart of every living atom, so when we awaken to a higher understanding that all is consciousness and living we then sense source in all inanimate objects, not as dead matter but as soul, hidden in the mode of darkness. 

Darkness even in its limitations holds great power for expansion, giving all living entities room for greater consciousness awareness into freedom of its body restrictions. 

Our Mother Earth - the Goddess herself supports all bodies who dwell beneath her, within her core and above her, she is in loving union with the father Sun, the divine union of sacred water, the air inside us-our breath-our soul and its connection with the surrounding breath that is the universe, forever threading in and out. With her life force energy of unconditional love we gain greater knowledge, freedom, will and action which is expressed in our many life experiences here on Earth.

As for human-beings consciousness expands so therefore is possible for all living entities, even those that appear limited in body like a small river rock laying doormat, hiding beneath running water. 

There are bodies of rocks that are special souls that carry the essence and capacity of great devotional love. They choose to be of service to human beings sharing their consciousness for the pure commitment of spiritual expansion by acting as an oracle, transmuting fear into love. This relationship is purely for the soul purpose of healing and as we heal they also move beyond their limitations and grow.

Every River Oracle stone has been personally chosen from the floor of the river of Edgars creek in Coburg north where I roam my soul with mother nature and all sentient beings on a daily basis.

There is an intimate process that has to take place in order to create a light activated channel to aid you through your healing journey process.

Each stone entity was asked to join me for the soul purpose of healing where I then lovingly carried them home in my carry bag and laid them down to rest on my garden table all in preparation for their next phase of transformation.

The second step was the introduction to the euphoric blend of raw chocolate - spirit of mama cocoa to the river stone souls. In this sacred ritual using sound and intention a magickal blending process began. All stones are covered and cooked in the delicious aroma of melting chocolate - ceremonial cacao, this is where the magickal collaboration occurs bringing the spirit of mama cacao and all devotional beings of the river stones to an emergence of one.

It is always such a pleasure to witness this sensory experience, where the fragrances of raw chocolate, rose water, vanilla and cinnamon infusion saturates the air in my kitchen. It feels so spiritually gratifying and physically pleasing performing this ritual.

 Once this loving connection has taken place we then move into the third stage of the ritual. This next process is where a rebirth occurs and all spirits are returned into the heart of the mother earth, their life force healing energy creates healing intention. This is a three day burial where the river stones are left to cocoon for a deep slumber into the embrace of the mother - earth’s star and finally are dug out on the third day in divine grace.

All devotional oracle stones are then bathed in the river's water where they all originated from. This is the fourth stage where I use the intention of purification, assisting in the cleansing process for the release of any past embodiments. 

This is an important stage of the ritual as it helps to prepare the oracle stones -souls for their new passage of identification.

Each stone is then imprinted with the mama cacao spiritual symbol using an etching tool, a very creative part of the ritual involving a lot of focus and patience. The result is a beautiful totem representing Gaia with all her unconditional love, acting as a manifestation portal for the transmutation of low dense energy when placed at your heart. 

Then finally we reach the sixth stage of this ritual, the blessing. This is a special blessing performed on my altar with all sacred elements, Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Spirit. It is a collaboration of angelic beings, ascendant masters and my own spiritual community. This is where Light activation occurs and it is my loving offering to you. 

Each time you join my healing ceremony your oracle stone is automatically activated through your healing intention. This Light portal raises and accelerates your vibration for the purpose of assisting your healing.

This powerful Devotional Oracle stone will always support you in devotion, bursting with Love. It has been copper wire wrapped to help with the grounding effect of your intention and so you can wear it as a pendant against your skin, or added to your altar - sacred space. It is an offering of Love that will continue honouring your healing growth even after the ceremony has ended.

My hope for you is to embody what it is already within your heart and to celebrate the source of Light and Love you truly are.

With much gratitude to all the river stone entities whose devotion to the healing of the human soul compliments All and for All of the greater good. Also to the beautiful artistic talents of Nardane Balci@devinespiritconnections.com who’s talented gifts continue to amaze me.

Much Healing Light and Love
