Rosa - Spiritual Integrative Counsellor

Rosa Ferraro, Seer and Spiritual Integrative Counsellor


Grow your wings and learn how to fly skilfully

Welcome Beautiful Souls

What you can expect from working with me as a Seer and Integrative Spiritual Counsellor:

-Loving guidance to discover your authentic purpose , intentions and goals, aligned with your soul essence. 

-Discovering and transmuting the past and present challenges that are preventing you from living your life of fulfilment, purpose and joy.

-I will help you identify what actions are required in order to improve your quality of life and experience greater love, realigned with Source energy.

-We will identify harmful patterns of behaviour, thinking, traumas, family lineage issues and attachments that underlie the challenges you are experiencing in your life.  I will support and guide you through them, allowing you to discover the gifts hidden on the other side.

-Empowering your inner perception of who you truly are and the development of a healthier sense of Being. 

 -Underlying dynamics, entanglements and generational trauma in family systems. Also how these manifest in the present in relationships, parenting,  loop-system patterning, wellbeing and in mental health.

It is from our deepest darkest states of suffering that our sacred scars are formed and become teachings for infinite possibilities, spiritual maturity and intimacy.

As a Healer my loving intention is to help guide your focus into shifts of higher consciousness that awakens from within the full creation of your Divine Light, so that you and All beings can live in your full potential in grace and in bliss.

With much devotional service in Light and Love

I look forward to being present in your magickal healing journey.

Here’s how we can work together:

Spiritual Transformation Package with Rosa - your pathway to holistic healing and personal rebirth!

Before we begin you will need to book a free 10 minute consultation with me.

  • Integrative Spiritual Counselling: Uncover your authentic purpose, align with your soul essence, and experience transformative guidance through 60 to 90 minute sessions.

  • Shamanic Healing: As a Shaman-Healer, Rosa incorporates a diverse range of holistic therapies tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a comprehensive and personalised healing experience.

  • Enjoy a series of six sessions designed to elevate your wellness to new heights. Each session is an opportunity for deep healing and spiritual growth.

  • 24-Hour Contact: Experience continuous support with 24-hour access to Rosa. Your journey to healing is our top priority, and we are here whenever you need guidance.

  • Holistic Medicinal Remedies: Receive a variety of holistic medicinal remedies, including flower essence remedies, tinctures, herbal infusions, tea blends and plant medicines. These remedies enhance your healing journey on a physical and energetic level.

  • Access to Extra Services: Explore additional discounted services from the other skilled healers at Shekinah3 if needed, creating a holistic network of support for your well-being.

  • Some sessions might include bodywork or other services from other Shekinah3 Therapists.

  • Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment: Immerse yourself in a transformative experience where your mind, body, and spirit align harmoniously. Witness a profound healing capacity that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and like a new person.

    Investment: This remarkable healing package with Rosa is priced at $1020. Bookings are essential to embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing. (Concession and Pensioner rates available, please enquire.)

    Individual sessions are available for those who have completed the Spiritual Transformation Program.

    You can also book a session for a Mediumship/Clairvoyant reading or a Healing at $170/session.

    Book a consultation here, or call 0411584190

    My modalities of practice:

Spiritual Emergence/Spiritual Emergency Support

Trauma and Mental Health Support

Family Lineage, Relationships, Trauma Informed Therapy

Facilitated Plant Medicine Therapy


Integrative Spiritual Counselling (Teacher/Mentor)

Indigo & Starseed Children mentoring

Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting

Holistic Flower & Herbal Remedies


Medium - Psychic

Heyoka Empath

Read more about my services and therapies here



Call on 0411584190


Book a consultation here