Rosa’s Services

Spiritual Counselling

- The Humanness Healing Journey

How to Truly Heal : A Journey To Your True Self

Program Outlay:

Embark on a Healing journey not because you believe you're broken but because you are worthy. To love the parts of you that sometimes do not deem deserving of love. A structured program facilitated by Rosa, integrating spiritual counselling, trauma therapy, and spiritual teachings. Open to seekers, healers, and spiritual enthusiasts, this unique Healing program guides you through the three stages of healing—Block, Integration, and Freedom—allowing you to truly understand the healing process.


A soul-enriching healing journey led by Rosa Ferraro, an Integrative Spiritual Counsellor, Trauma Therapist, and Spiritual Teacher at Shekinah3. This transformative program invites seekers, healers, and spiritual enthusiasts to delve into the intricate tapestry of their humanness, transcending ancestral patterns, societal expectations, and personal limitations. Giving you new insight and a structure to help you identify underlying patterning that up until now prevented you from reaching fulfilment in all areas of your life.

Key Features:

  • 6 sessions with Rosa. Each session is an opportunity for deep healing and spiritual growth.

  • 24-Hour Contact: Experience continuous support with 24-hour access to Rosa. Your journey to healing is our top priority, and we are here whenever you need guidance.

  • Holistic Medicinal Remedies: Receive a variety of holistic medicinal remedies, including flower essence remedies, tinctures, herbal infusions, tea blends and plant medicines. These remedies enhance your healing journey on a physical and energetic level.

  • Access to Extra Services: Explore additional discounted services from the other skilled healers at Shekinah3 if needed, creating a holistic network of support for your well-being.

  • Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment: Immerse yourself in a transformative experience where your mind, body, and spirit align harmoniously. Witness a profound healing capacity that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and like a new person.

  • Investment: This remarkable healing package with Rosa is priced at $1020. Bookings are essential to embark on this journey of self-discovery and healing.


  • Introduction to Self-Healing:

    • Embrace worthiness and self-love

    • Understanding the three stages of healing

  • Identity and Human Construct - Ego State:

    • Unravel the complexity of human conditioning

    • Challenge the archetype of Sabotager

    • Question and reconstruct original beliefs

  • Human Behavioural Cycle:

    • Explore the paradigm shift in behaviourism psychology

    • Understand the entanglement of ancestral lineage

    • Embrace a holistic approach to healing

  • Fragmented Aspects of Self:

    • Acknowledge and heal dense emotions

    • Break the cycle of human suffering

    • Purge toxicity for personal and collective growth


  • Ancestral Lineage Patterning - Transgenerational Trauma:

    • Explore phases of healing

    • Heal the heart block

  • Shadow Archetype Saboteur - The Root Child:

    • Embrace deeper wisdom

    • Recognise and welcome ancestral woundings

  • Shifting Paradigms - The Welcoming of Heart-Centred Experiences:

    • Shift misguided beliefs

    • Welcome new experiences into your life

  • Our Unmasking - Moving Beyond the Invisible Walls of Our Limitations:

    • Explore what no longer resonates

    • Identify insecurities, fears, traumas

  • Entanglement - Learning How to Untangle Oneself from Ancestral Addictions:

    • Bring resolution to underlying trauma

    • Free yourself from negative family patterning

  • Gaining a Higher Perspective - The Casual & Our Genetic Spiritual Template:

    • Understand family patterns and influences

    • Break the "curse" and heal the root children

           How to Identify Difficult Unidentified Patternings:

  • Adapt a conscious understanding

  • Focus on strengths and shift from a lack mentality

  • Self-Love - Balancing Polarity:

    • Open the heart centre to receive

    • Let go of toxic contamination and trauma

  • Practising Pure Essence in Self-Mastery - Building a Strong Foundation for the Greater Good:

    • Cultivate pure essence

    • Serve the greater good with authenticity

  • The Letting Go Process of Toxic Contamination, Trauma, and Violation:

    • Explore the inner flame essence in relationship and flow with polarity

Bonus Handbook:

  • Rituals to honour and heal the ancestral journey

  • Heart alchemy techniques for transmuting pain into love

  • Renewal ceremony to transform wounds into divine light

  • Guided meditations for heart-centred living

  • Sacred energetic practices for purifying ancestral addictions

  • Healing the emotional body ritual

  • Activating soul blueprint

  • Liberation of root children & Ancestral healing

  • Self-mastery rituals for authentic living

  • Releasing toxic contamination & embracing purity

  • Concluding with blessings for wholeness and contributing to collective evolution

Complete Personalised Spiritual Assessment

Explore the boundless intricacies of your being with Rosa Ferraro, an Integrative Spiritual Counsellor and Medium.

Unveil the hidden tapestry of your in-body chakras, subtle bodies, and radiant aura in a meticulouslycurated written document.

-Gain empowerment, clarity, and grace through understanding the profound imprints within each chakraand subtle body.

-Discover a divine roadmap for prevention, guidance, and transformative healing in your life's journey.

-Access extraordinary insights into your hidden potentials through Rosa's masterful spiritual gifts.

-Experience the enchantment of your personalised Spiritual assessment, transcribed with utmost care andimbued with sacred wisdom, delivered straight to your email.

Embark on a soulful odyssey of self-discovery, healing, and fulfilment.

Special Offer: Investment Cost - $190(Normal price $300)

Ask the Goddess

90 minute Cacao ceremony including Cacao cup reading -Investment cost $170

Medium-Clairvoyant Reading

60-90 minutes - Investment Cost: $170

Angel Reading

What are the Angelic Beings trying to tell you.

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $170

Chakra Balancing

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $170

Etheric Cord dissolving ceremony

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $170

Absent Healing

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $170

House and Land Clearing

House and land clearings can be performed remotely.

Investment Cost: $170 per hour

Indigo Crystal & Rainbow Children Emergence

Counselling and guidance for children who are psychically gifted.

Personal Bach Flower remedy and remedy essential oil blend may be included depending on the child’s healing needs.

90 minutes - Investment Cost: $100

Past Life Regression Therapy

Past life time regression therapy is performed under hypnosis.

120 minutes - Investment Cost: $275

Akashic Records Therapy

Akashic records therapy is performed under hypnosis.

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $150

Emotional Freedom Technique

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $150

Matrix Reimprinting

60 minutes - Investment Cost: $150


Specialising in
• Mental Health issues
• Trauma
• Spiritual Emergencies

Phone and video sessions are available for most services.

Please make your request through emailing Rosa with your inquiry to see if this is accessible for your needs.

Payment is to be made prior to session. Bank transfer or PayPal available.

60 minutes - Investment Cost: AU$170

Concession is available. Investment cost: AU$100.

You must hold a valid and up to date concession card to claim a concession

Call Rosa on 0411584190 or

Click here to book an appointment

Unity Therapist Martin Soerensen

Born and raised in Norway, for over 20 years I have studied and practiced several healing modalities in Norway, Denmark, Thailand and Australia to combine an array of very effective techniques to balance the nervous system while working on the physical body. My approach is always holistic, taking into account your life situation, past traumatic events, current needs and who you wish to be moving into the future. I might include recommendations for certain plant medicines, herbal and flower remedies, dietary supplements, meditations, movement exercises and more.

This allows me to facilitate lasting changes to challenges such as:

-Aches and pains

-Experience of being stuck or stagnant in your life in general or specific areas, especially in cooperation with my wife; Spiritual Integrative Counsellor Rosa Ferraro

-Stiffness and limited range of motion

-Chronic and acute pain

-Migraine and headache

-High stress and tension in body and mind

-Depression and anxiety

Therapies I offer either combined as needed, or as a stand alone therapy:

  • Therapeutic Thai Massage

    Thai massage therapy is an ancient healing practice rooted in the belief of energy lines (Sen). It involves rhythmic compressions, stretching, and acupressure to restore balance and promote relaxation. Practiced on a floor mat with the recipient clothed, it addresses physical and emotional issues, making it a revered and effective form of therapy worldwide.

  • Cranio Sacral Therapy(Social Engagement Protocol)

    Craniosacral therapy is a gentle and non-invasive form of bodywork that aims to promote the body's natural healing abilities. It focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

    The Social Engagement Protocol is a specific approach within craniosacral therapy that emphasizes the body's social engagement system. This system is responsible for how we connect with others, express emotions, and feel safe in our environment.

    During the Social Engagement Protocol, the therapist pays particular attention to subtle movements and rhythms in the body, especially around the head, neck, and face. By gently addressing any restrictions or imbalances in these areas, the therapy aims to release emotional and physical tension, allowing the body to move towards a state of greater relaxation and well-being.

    This protocol is especially helpful for individuals who have experienced trauma, stress, or anxiety, as it can support the restoration of healthy nervous system functioning and improve overall emotional resilience. It is a valuable tool for promoting a sense of safety, trust, and connectedness within the body and with others.

  • Myofascial Release Techniques

    Myofascial release is a specialized bodywork technique that targets the fascia, a connective tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and organs. This hands-on therapy uses gentle sustained pressure and stretching to release restrictions and tension in the fascia. By elongating and softening the fascia, myofascial release improves mobility and reduces pain and discomfort. It is commonly used to address chronic pain, postural issues, and injuries, helping individuals achieve better physical alignment and optimal movement patterns.

    Having studied with Tom Myers, Stanley Rosenberg and more luminaries in the field of Structural Integration, I use highly effective techniques aimed at resolving a problem rather than having the client rely on regular treatments just to maintain and keep the problem at bay.

  • Unity Therapy-Energy Medicine

    Unity Therapy, developed by the Norwegian doctor and author Audun Myskja, is a holistic approach to health and well-being. It combines medical knowledge, natural medicine, and Eastern treatment methods to promote comprehensive healing and balance in the body.

    Unity Therapy is based on the idea that the body consists of an interconnected unit of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. By treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, we seek to find the root cause of imbalances and disorders.

    The methods used in Unit Therapy include dietary adjustments, herbal medicine, acupuncture, energy medicine techniques and mindfulness. Unity Therapy also emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle and personal development as the foundation for good health.

    Unity Therapy has become popular in Norway and internationally, attracting people seeking a holistic approach to health. Myskja's approach has inspired many to take responsibility for their own health and well-being and has contributed to promoting the understanding of the connection between body, mind, and soul in the healing process.

  • Natural Facelift Therapy

    Experience the wonders of Natural Facelift Therapy, an innovative anti-wrinkle technique that requires no tools or product use. Through the power of massage, this method stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, leaving your skin deeply moisturized from within. By releasing the connective tissue that adheres to the bones, the collagen and elastin fibers regain their elasticity, while enhancing the circulation of blood, lymph fluids beneath the skin. As a result, facial lines and wrinkles gradually fade away, and facial tension melts into serenity.

    During the course of six sessions, each muscle in your face and its surrounding areas is meticulously worked on. With almost 100 muscles treated individually, tensions arising from emotions and habitual expressions are gently released. Simultaneously, your skin tightens and lifts, bestowing you with a radiant and youthful appearance.

    Beyond its skin-improving properties, Natural Facelift Therapy also offers therapeutic benefits. Some clients have reported relief from sinus conditions, while others have found it minimizes or eliminates migraines, headaches, and even improves digestion. 

    Above all, the most significant impact lies in the profound effect on the Autonomic Nervous System. Through gentle yet deep stimulation of the tissues, this therapy effectively regulates and balances your body, regardless of whether you carry a heavy burden of stress, worry, and anxiety or contend with the challenges of depression. Thus, this treatment serves as a valuable and supportive ally in promoting overall well-being.

Sessions with Martin cost $130 per hour

Book a session with me here

Nardane’s Modalities

Hello, my name is Nardane.

I'm a Heyoka Empath/ Physical-Psychic Medium/Healer/ Spiritual practitioner. I live and work from the heart, in love and light.

I am gifted with all Clairs and extra sensory abilities including Telepathy, which allows me to read and feel energy, connect and communicate with the Afterlife, Spiritual beings, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, Entities, Animals, Elemental Spirits and more...

I am a Reiki Master Divine energy channel/Oracle, which enables me to heal others with emotional and physical pain/trauma.

I am able to send distant healing to the past and future as well as work with the energy of the present.

I am a Soul Calibrator able to visit Past, Present and future timelines and perform Spiritual healings. I can perform group healings in the Akashic energy field.

Services I provide:

-Reiki Healings/Distant Healings $130/hr

-444 Reiki: $333/1-1.5hr This unique form of Reiki involving all sacred elements

-Holy Fire Reiki: $130/hr

-Sacred Rose Reiki: $130/hr

-Crystal Healing Reiki: $130/hr

-Animal Reiki/Distant or in person: $85/hr. Includes a customised healing amulet

-Soul Calibration: $550/ 4 sessions(varying between 45-60 minutes each)

-Heyoka/Seer/Medium/Energy Readings: $150/hr

-Akashic Healings; group(minimum 5 people, enquire for price) or individual: $150/60-90minutes

-Customised Healing jewelry: Reiki Amulets & Animal totems

Book an appointment here