Healing Oil Blends

Healing Oil Blends

from A$12.00

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Shekinah3 essential oil remedy blends are a creation of therapeutic grade oils which have incredibly high vibrations. Each unique blend is dedicated to offer you powerful healing remedies. 

Each remedy blend is formulated with devotional love to offer you healing in mind, body and spirit. They hold the pure intention to help shift lower vibrational mass energy, giving you the potential to greatly assist in supporting you through your healing journey. 

 Shekinah3 remedy blends aims to empower you through the sometimes challenging process of self growth by helping you to raise your vibration.

 By incorporating the medicinal essences from our Mother Earth we can confidently feel her loving support through the process of painful emotions with more ease during our transformations.

Our blends supports all the innate uniqueness of all sentient beings with understanding the importance of self love and the flow of movement forward where there is continuance to explore our dreams into creation, living life to our full potential.

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