Banishing Herbs

Banishing Herbs


Banishing Herbs are a special blend of White Sage, Rosemary, Lavender, Bay Leaves, Thyme, Rose and Sweetgrass. They are Light activated and anointed with our Banishing Oil blend and then left to dry, creating a potent combination of medicinal herbs.

Use them scattered on display as an offering on your alter for ceremonial work or burn in a cauldron as a loose smudging mix. Banishing Herbs assist in eliminating low vibrational energy in all  sacred spaces and directions. Additionally it accesses more Light to expand in your life, offers protection and for your Heart to open. They are created to assist with clear connection to Gods-Goddesses-Deities during prayer, spell work, and ceremonies accessing more Love into your life.

Banishing Herbs come with a complimentary Shekinah3 Smudging chant. They are a product of the BANISHING KIT which can be purchased here at Shekinah3.

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