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The Free Spirited Empath course

  • Gypsys Heart Spiritual Integrative Counselling (map)

We Empaths are learning unique ways to shine our Light and sadly a lot of the common wisdom out there does not help us to flourish.

I don't resonate with what most people are saying about Empaths.

  • Cleansing and shielding is a continuous ritual for an empath.

  • As an Empath your mission on Earth is to heal the planet and transmute other people's energy, so you need to just accept it and do your work.

  • That suffering is an Empath's spiritual genetic code and this is what makes you special, important and is your ticket to being valuable.

None of these things come close to what I believe to be true.

An Empaths incarnation on Earth is one where there is great discovery in how we use our abilities in ways that are in alignment with what makes us happy and what nourishes us in all areas of our lives. As we awaken to who we truly are we innately know what to do and when to do that. It is a journey where we shed through many emotional changes that are deeply conditioned responsibilities for things that - ultimately - are not our position to fix.

We are not here for the sole purpose of healing the planet. You're here to heal yourself and to grow through the process of what aligns with your deepest, unique sense of joy, purpose and well-being.

The Free Spirited Empath course will teach you how to distinguish between what is your energy, and what is other people’s energy.

This is one of the most confusing aspects of being an empath. Many empaths actually spend years in therapy for problems that are not even their own. For example, they absorbed a huge amount of someone else's grief, and are now searching for “ explanations “ for a grief that they can make no sense of.  No matter what they do, the grief stays.

In this course, you will learn that letting go of other people’s energy requires a radically different strategy that most people, including most healers, have no idea about. You will also learn a way to figure out which is which.

You will learn how to let go of other people's energy and how to stop absorbing it in the first place.

You will learn a short term tool for immediate relief, and long term tools to help reduce your overall attraction to other people's energy. This means that being an empath will be less and less work over time, until one day, you forget you used to be one. Wouldn't it feel great to not have to worry about what you might be picking up from whom, because you have stopped absorbing other people's pains, emotions and other kinds of energy.

You will come to understand your deeper empath psychology and why you have become the way you are as an Empath, and what you need to face inside yourself to walk a new, more joyful path from this moment forward.

This is about rediscovering yourself from the heart and what you truly want. There are no obligations, no shoulds, you get to choose what you do with your sensitive clairsentient abilities going forward.

My intention is for you to take responsibility on what you choose suits you best. It is about picking an approach that suits your style and a do it yourself approach.

DIY content.

Emails are delivered daily containing affirmations, mindfulness exercises to keep you on track and assist in guiding you throughout your day.

Coaching calls.

1-on-1 coaching sessions are available to help teach various skills live and to make sure everything is customised to fit your unique intuitive style, answer complex questions, and do empath healing work together.

These are more like private classes and there are specific tools and practices I will teach you in these calls.

Coaching calls are available on zoom or over the phone. After each coaching call, I will send you detailed notes of the call that sum up specific healing practices I have customised for you. This includes an Empath manual which is uniquely created for you with essential practices, notes and homework.

There is an extra fee for the coaching private classes.

Email support.

The course comes with unlimited email support to assist in answering your questions and to offer support when you feel you are in need of guidance. That way, you will be able to keep moving forward with the skills continuously because you won't have to wait until your next class to get clarification or any extra encouragement

Long-Distance Healing or Reading.

This course comes with at least one-distance healing session ( with an option to have more if needed ) In a long distance healing session, I can identify and release energies from others as well as empath or stress patterns in your own body that are energetically holding you down.

The long distance healing session is scheduled by you, so that you will know when it is occurring but will not be on a call with me during the session, so it can be scheduled for a time when you are asleep.

You will receive a full written report of the healing-identifying all the patterns and energies released and dissolved.

Besides helping you reach results more quickly, the healing session gives us a different method for understanding the empath patterns you need to heal

A reading is available if you are uncomfortable with receiving a healing session in this way.

An In-Depth look at the Content and Philosophy of this course.

The Free Spirited Empath course is different to many other Empath courses out there and I would like you to make an informed choice.

Why would you pick this course?

What can you expect?

I don’t teach shielding.

As an Empath myself I spent many years in past frustrations searching for Empath solutions, when most solutions were a combination of intense shielding and extensive cleansing that needed to be practised every single day. A regular ritual of shielding which would need to stay up during the day. These extensive energy cleansing practices felt like walking around carrying a heavy shield to ward off ‘ negativity ‘ and meditatively showering away energy on a continuous basis.

Furthermore these practices really did not work for me and there was always more ‘ showering ‘ to do and the shields just became these intense practices that just did not work. It all felt ridiculous and incredibly discouraging. It was a consuming schedule and I didnt want to spend my life with bandaid solutions. I wanted to solve the problem. 

I also didn't resonate with the basic principle of shielding that it carries an attitude of unsafety. You need to ‘ protect ‘ yourself against an unsafe world filled with toxic energies. This feeds a kind of fear of ‘ energy contagion’ while meanwhile going against the core essence that is so important to us Empaths, the ability to feel and empathise. After all, you can’t both empathise and be open, while at the same time feeling attacked and scared. So, my guiding question became, how can I stay open, trust and believe in the harmony and rightness of the universe, without getting overwhelmed with everyone's energy?

This is not about managing your energy, it’s about addressing root causes.

Living a life of an Empath I came to the realisation that to address these leaky energy boundaries they must have a cause that can be addressed too. In other words, this was not a problem of ‘ being an empath’ but a problem of not understanding how to discover and heal the energy leaks.

The Free Spirited Empath course I have developed teaches you to find and heal those leaks. So instead of absorbing everyone else's emotions for the rest of your life, you learn how to heal those energy leaks so the concept of shielding becomes less and less.

This is not about shutting down or ‘ caring less ‘

You will learn to develop a different relationship to the energy of other people. It is not about finding ways to ‘ stop feeling’ altogether. Rather, it's about being aware of what others are feeling without suffering along with them or losing yourself in their energy.

You become open, safe and remain empathetic. Yet you know how to keep your own life force energy field clear and free of interventions from other people's energy.

It’s not your job to transmute anyone’s energy.

In actual fact I wont tolerate it. As Empaths, we often have these deep habitual beliefs that we must try and fix other people's energy. When you do this, I will tell you. Most Empaths and healers believe that we are Light workers therefore we are meant to transmute other people’s energy.

This is far from the truth, I believe it is an actual invasion of other people's space. Just as it would not be ok to go into someone else's home without asking, and then cleaning their kitchen. I believe it is not ok to clean up anyones energy in any way.  Instead let’s encourage growth, by teaching others how to do it themselves, if they are interested, but not to participate in it as part of a spiritual practice that the other person knows nothing about.

The skills I teach are about clearing energy, without changing other people's energy.

This is not about being fixed, receiving healing initiations or getting treatment.

You will be participating in taking your power back, but becoming your own healer. You are in control of what you do and don't do. It is about regaining self confidence in your ability to heal yourself. My intention is that by the end of the course you will continue to do your empath healing completely on your own. During coaching sessions, I will guide you through practices, but you will be the one doing them.

Included are the long distance healing session which will help you move through some energy challenges as you are just starting to learn skills and have more insight into empath patterns that you need to address. You will receive a written analysis to help understand what was released. The healing will also identify specific topics that are important to address in our calls. Ultimately healing sessions are supportive, to help lighten the load where you are feeling stuck and then help you understand how to do similar healing for yourself in the future. It is not a replacement for you doing your own work.

What you can expect to learn, and in which order

In the Free Spirited Empath course you will learn about how to manage empath drain and overwhelm on a few different levels.

This is covered in the 4th and 5th week of the course.

How to empower yourself as an Empath.

Firstly you learn about observation and scanning.

You will need to practise energy exchanges in a way that empowers you to find solutions.

Secondly discernment,  you need to have a way to identify what is going on. Is what you are feeling your own energy, or someone else's? This will include learning how to scan your own body, a body-based practice that can be used to test what is occurring in the complex world of your own energy.

Then when you understand how to create an energy diagnosis you need skills to heal what is happening. You will learn.

How to get others' energy out of your energy field immediately. This practice is uniquely done as all energy fields are different. We will look for a version of the basic process that suits your intuition, instead of squeezing you into a prefab mold.

How to find and heal the deeper reasons for empath energy exchanges. Knowing how to remove the energy in the moment is not enough. To make sure that you don't have to keep doing energy aerobics the rest of your life, we need to address the deeper reasons why all this is happening.

How to do cord cutting that lasts [ cords are permanent energy connections between people that can cause a lot of overwhelm ] Basic cord cutting is something that you can learn from a google search. However, most cord curing basics tend to ignore the root causes, why these cords are forming in the first place. When the deeper causes are left unaddressed, cut cords just grow back. It’s also important to realise that not all cords are equal and not all can be cut in exactly the same way. In the Free Spirited Empath course, you will learn the full version of cord cutting, which creates permanent relief.

The Free Spirited Empath course will give you a deeper understanding of your intuitive empathic abilities yet strengthen you emotionally with healthy self care practices, healing techniques and establishing a strong sense of self where boundaries are set..

There are many common signs that you are an Empath and different types of Empaths. Your empathic ability to understand the experiences and feelings of others outside of your own perspective is truly a gift. You will be learning about these empathy signs and which type of Empath you truly are. The guidance of this course will help you to dissolve the negative emotional energy of the world and to finally leave all that emotional overwhelm and struggles completely behind.

This is a six week course. 90 minutes each class.

Each week you will cover one topic which is discussed in an interactive manner online.

1 What is an Empath?

2 Common signs you are an Empath.

3 What type of Empath are you?

4 How to empower yourself as an Empath.

5 Developing boundaries and why they are so important.

6 Using your empathic gift as your superpower.

Earlier Event: March 3